Roberto Germano - Master biorisonanza metodologie applicative

Roberto Germano

Interventi del docente:

Mod. 3: L’acqua questa sconosciuta


Istruzione ed Esperienze lavorative

since 1997 Chief Executive Officer of PROMETE Srl CNR_INFM Spin off Company and Regional Research Centre for Experimental Research and Development in the Field of Physics

2010 Lecturer for the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) Post Doc courses regarding INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER for high qualified researchers in the area of Management, programming, strategies and organization of industrial research projects

2009 Lecturer for the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) Post Doc courses regarding INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER for high qualified researchers in the area of Techniques and processes software for medical diagnostic
functional imaging

2009 Founder of NOI Association NAPOLI OPEN INNOVATION

2009 Founder and advisor of the Italian national magazine “TRASFERIMENTO TECNOLOGICO” (Technology Transfer)

1998-2000 Research contract with the National Institute for the Physics of Matter (INFM) Naples Research Unit, Physical Sciences Department, “Federico II” University of Naples, Italy:“Production of magnetoelastic ribbons and their applications

1997 Research contract with the National Institute for the Physics of Matter (INFM) Naples Research Unit, Physical Sciences Department, “Federico II” University of Naples, Italy: “Production of magnetoelastic sensors to measure displacements, vibrations and flows”

1997 Founder of PROMETE, consultancy and research company for Innovation and Technology Transfer (in 1999 PROMETE has become one of the first Italian officially recognized Research Spin off and the first one in Campania Region)

1997 Founder of the cultural association ALTANUR Le Connessioni Inattese (The Unexpected Connections)

1996-1997 Research contract with the National Institute for the Physics of Matter (INFM) Naples Research Unit, Physical Sciences Department, “Federico II” University of Naples, Italy in the frame of the European BRITE EURAM III Project MADAVIC (Magnetostrictive Actuators for Damage Analysis and VIbration Control)

1996 Research contract with the National Institute for the Physics of Matter (INFM) Naples Research Unit, Physical Sciences Department, “Federico II” University of Naples, Italy: “Development of magnetoelastic sensors to be employed in scientific apparatuses for magnetostriction and magnetic field measurements”

1995-1996 Research contract for a joined project between R&D Division of Alfa Romeo Avio SpA and Magnetism Group of the Physical Sciences Department, “Federico II” University of Naples, Italy for the development of an Air Mass Flow Prototype Sensor based on Magnetoelastic Waves.

June 1995 M. Sc. in Physics (Condensed Matter Physics), Faculty of Physics, “Federico II” University of Naples, Italy


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